Sasi Wholesale Announces Cooking Oil Products – Services

Sasi Wholesale Announces Cooking Oil Products - Services

Sasi Wholesale offers cooking oil products and services to the St. Louis region.

ST. LOUIS, MO (STLPress.News) Sasi Wholesale has published a Press Release on its website announcing new products and services revolving around the cooking oil industry.

As a restaurant supplier, they naturally offer new fry oil and vegetable oil at competitive prices.

Their specialty services revolve around Used Cooking Oil, commonly referred to by its acronym UCO, are as follows:

  • Fry Oil Management Service
  • Used Cooking Oil Recycling
  • Used Cooking Oil Pickup Service

According to its Press Release, the recycling facility will be operational in February 2024.

Once the UCO is recycled and filtered to industry specifications, the reclaimed product will be sold or used to biodiesel plants, sold on the commodities exchange, or sold for use.

The recycling equipment has been designed and will be built by staff members/employees of Sasi Wholesale.

For more information, call Sasi at 314-363-3993.