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Thai Kitchen - O'Fallon, MO

Thai Kitchen – O’Fallon

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Thai Kitchen - O'Fallon is the oldest location owned by the founder of Thai Kitchen, Sasimonthon Ongartsutthikul.

Thai Kitchen - O'Fallon is the oldest location owned by Sasimonthon Ongartsutthikul, who founded the first Thai Kitchen in Maryland Heights in 1999.  However, she sold that location several years ago, and an unrelated and unaffiliated individual independently owns it.

The O'Fallon location is the oldest Thai Kitchen that Ongartsutthikul owns and operates.  It is her flagship restaurant and most likely will never be sold.

Long-term customers, great recipes, great customers, and more.

Thai Kitchen locations owned by Ongartsutthikul in the St. Louis region are:

The O'Fallon location is the oldest Thai Kitchen owned by Ongartsutthikul.  She has owned it for the past ten years and recently expanded the space to include the Thai Bar.




8632, Mexico Road, O’Fallon, Saint Charles County, Missouri, 63366, United States

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8632, Mexico Road, O’Fallon, Saint Charles County, Missouri, 63366, United States

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