WebTech Group Announced Creating a PBN

WebTech Group Announced Creating a PBN

WebTech Group in St. Louis, MO, Announced Creating a PBN.

ST. LOUIS, MO (STLPress.News) WebTech Group, the publisher of STLPress.News was announced in an article published on STL.News that they had created a PBN and even began to expand it.

But what is a PBN?

It is the acronym for “Private Blog Network.”

What does a “Private Blog Network” do?

It is a network of small blog sites owned by the same person or group and used to publish articles that link to other websites within the network, usually of relevant content.

Those links enhance the domain authority of the sites, raising their search engine search results and generating more traffic for the end user.  It is a highly effective SEO strategy that commonly goes overlooked due to the time and financial resources it demands to do it correctly.

SEO is all about the quality of the content and links, which illustrates to Google the relevance of the content and traffic.

The parent site for the PBN will be USPBN.Blog.

Our target sites that are used will be:

  1. STL.News
  2. STL.Directory
  3. St. Louis Restaurant Review
  4. STLPress.News
  5. USPress.News

The sites used to help rank the target sites are:

  1. OrderMyFood
  2. STLBiz.News
  3. STLPress.org
  4. UltimateHost.Domains
  5. USBiz.Directory